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Eye Hospitals | Eye Doctors | Eye Care Hospitals in in Ahmedabad, Visnagar, Bharuch | Aakash Eye Hospital

Seller: Eye Hospitals | Eye Doctors | Eye Care Hospitals in in Ahmedabad, Visnagar, Bharuch | Aakash Eye Hospital

"Aakash Eye Hospital take care for old case-patients, keep your old file when you visit the hospital.
Aakash Eye Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive Quality in ophthalmic services of international standards to all sections of society at an affordable cost.Over 20 years Aakash Eye Hospital provide services at entire North Gujarat and South Rajasthan.To Provide Quality of care that exceeds the patient's expectation. To adhere to operational protocols in order to reduce errors and enhance patients safety.It is surgical procedure for permanent removal of glasses and contact lens, I Look Laser Vision center (at Aakash eye hospital) is fully equipped with VISIX STAR S4 IR technology, wavescan Aabbrometer (abbotte) , pachymeter and topography machine (zeiss).A laser vision correction surgery designed to reduce or eliminate the need for corrective eyewear. The CustomVue procedure provides a precise, unique, and more detailed analysis of the vision. Using Wave scan-based digital technology originally developed for use in high-powered telescopes to reduce distortions when viewing distant objects in space. Doctors can now capture unique imperfections in each individual’s eyes (higher order aberrations) that could not have been measured before using standard methods.The information captured using the Wavescan technology is transferred to the laser, providing a new level of precision and accuracy. This new level of measurement provides 25 times more precision than with standard methods used for glasses and contact lenses."